I was totally surprised that Yale bought lands in the “Second Life” for the educational purpose, and I thought about my home university in Korea. As my home university, Sunkyunkwan University, it is very historical but the land is so small. In Chosen Dynasty, Sunkyunkwan was the highest educational institution in the nation, and it is the origin of my home university. Therefore, it has more than 600 hundred years of history, but there is one problem; the size of land. It is located many historic buildings, so there is no space to build many necessary classrooms. Around the school, almost all of buildings have historic meaning. They are real palace of Chosen Dynasty and still have unchanged figure from 600 years ago. That’s why people want to broaden the place of school, but cannot do because of severe regulation from government and many people who want to protect old palaces. We cannot dig the land because of the risk of basement of the land, so some people say that “Let’s make a door to 4th dimension and make buildings.”
Considering my home university’s situation, Yale’s behavior is very creative. However, I also think about Money. Is it able to make much profit compare to the high cost? Is it educational and is there any opportunity about any problems? In my opinion, I cannot always say Yes to all of these questions. School should pay money to the builder of cyber land as a lending fee. It means that if the builders want more money for the cyber land as unreasonable price, the school cannot do anything but give them all of money, because all source of the university would be there. Who can pay for them? I think it might be students, and it could bring very high tuition fee. People can say that; it’s YOU who get academic benefit from school, so YOU should pay for it, if you want to learn more!
It is very great idea to buy land Second Life and connect it with real life. But we should be more serious. I heard that many millionaires are buying lands in the universe, like on the moon. It would be possible that the world out of real world and the Earth. But to me, it looks like a Game of Money. That's why I cannot recommend the Second Life to my home university!
I know that American University utilizes virtual classrooms and meeting rooms through programs like Wimba as a way to increase the number of class sections available. I think using Second Life as a virtual classroom for distance learning can be fun and informative, but I believe dedicated programs like Wimba are better suited for that purpose than Second Life.