Sunday, April 18, 2010
Using ROI in Business
In Social Media: Socialnomics, there are many numbers from several researches about social networking and ROI. Yes, it’s true. The Internet is the best way to promote and advertise a product, person, company, etc. Advertising through Twitter can bring 1,800 new customers with $0 of money. It is wonderful result in the marketing and financial department of the company.
I feel this effect when I am looking for my internships. I was surprised that many of companies noticed on the homepages that they want people who are able to use Facebook and Twitter for the job. I think it represent the flow of social networking in business well. And I think that’s because they know social networking on business is not always working in the positive way. Sometimes, customers with complaint make chains of furious consumers in the web sites. More and more companies are looking for employees who will control that kind of result.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Evolving Social Gaming
As social networking sites becomes more popular, now form of game is generated with the flow. According to the Wikipedia, Social gaming, which is played by interaction with other people, is played by people from all over the world, still now. People feel enthusiastic to the new concept of game, because they can enjoy game without feeling alone.
There are various topics of social gaming, and many of them are very funny things. The most important factor of social gaming is easiness to play. Different with other kind of games, it does not require too much function and understands. For example, Farmville, one of the most famous applications in Facebook, is a game making users’ own farm to do things from growing to harvesting. Another social gaming is Pet-society, which is also based on application in Facebook. People can grow pets and communicate with them. Also, they can let their pets communicate with other users’ pets. It seems like playing Tamagotchi on the Internet. I don’t have experience to play social gaming, but I referred to honestcake’s blog posting.
People who play social gaming are very different from other kinds of games. Usually, age between teenagers and twenties male are the main players of normal games. However, according to Who’s Playing Social Games? [STATS] and Social Gaming Defined, women in their 40s are the largest players of social gaming. The survey found that 55% of social gamers are female and 45% are male. Females are more avid gamers, too; 38% of females said they play multiple times a day, but just 29% males said the same. Women are more likely to play with people they know (68% vs. 56% for males), and men are more likely to play with strangers (41% vs. 33%) than women are. It is very surprising result, but it is understandable. This is because social gaming is very easy to play, so people can treat it regardless of their age. Also, people can meet many people on the web through playing social gaming. It makes housewives communicate with more and more people when other family members are working and they are in the home. Also, the players enjoy more than one game per day. As the survey suggested in Social Gaming Defined, 95 percent report playing multiple times per week, and 64 percent play at least once per day. Interesting result is that most people play social gaming not because of meeting people on the Internet, but because getting fun and relieving stress. When asked why they play social games, the most respondents answered that “to be fun and excitement" (53 percent), followed by "stress relief" (45 percent), and "competitive spirit" (43 percent). Surprisingly, less than one quarter of respondents cited "connect with others" as a motivation for playing social games.
In my opinion, social gaming is worth to be loved to the people. Traditional games have excluded users by gender and age. However, social gaming is not difficult to use, so it helps women in the house to spend their leisure time. As I commented to Social Games Nations, social games can make people feel like being the God of the world, because they can control the world and the virtual people respond to in process. It is not that serious like Star Craft or Lineage, so more and more people can access to the game.
I was worried about the game money when I read posts about social gaming. This was because it can make many problems about money in the real world. However, after visiting Massively and read a post, my concerns disappeared. Nowadays, companies developing social gaming are trying to replace the way deposit gaming money from real money to alternative things. For example, Nexon is in its way to make game money with advertisement profit. As my comment to the post, it will attract people who did not want to spend their real money to play social gaming. As the research from Social Gaming Defined, people are willing to gain game money with their real money. However, people prefer using another way to earn game money to spend real money. Therefore, it is the best way to make the number of players increased. The only thing to be careful is that the game should not be a commercial thing. If it happens, people will be sick to too many advertisements and they will leave the game.
Social gaming is evolving. The number of players is increasing, and the game is being developed. It has many unique points compared with traditional games, so it is the blue ocean of game market. Even though it is just for killing time, I think it gives people much fun than the time it was not developed.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Privacy: for Making Brighter Future of Social Networking
According to The future of Social Networking, the sister of the writer found her new roommate through Facebook. She scrutinized people’s profile and selected one, and she could know that the girl was close to her family and she had great group of friends. It is rather stalking, because she could know even the future roommate’s boyfriend by looking at her Facebook photos.
The other blog I found is The future of social networks and privacy: A brief research synopsis. It is viewing recent social networking web sites are invading personal privacies, so there should be some legal regulation against the problem. United States is behind of Europe and Canada in terms of privacy legislation to protect private information.
By thinking about the future of social networking, the use of private information should be regulated by law. The systems of recent social networks show too many things of users, and sometimes people cannot control it. Even more, there are special applications to track people who visit some blogs. With this application, the user can know who visited my blog, which pictures s/he clicked, and how many pages s/he clicked on the lists. I was so shocked that I did not want to believe in the existence of this application, but it is. There is no way to know the owner of the blog is using that kind of thing. It is invasion of privacy, but there is no regulation against the use of that kind of things.
We have learned about the world of social media and networking by this class. We know it is useful, and we also know it will be used more and more in the future. However, the problem of privacy is the thing we should solve before occurring golden age of social media and networking, because we know what kind of problems will be happened, and sometimes, we cannot know what will be really happened by the problem.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
SEO and Business
I also have my private blog on Cyworld, which is a Korean social networking web site, and the site provides the function similar with Google Analytics. I can see how many people visited my blog, and which post was interesting to the visitors. I just use it for satisfaction, but from now on, I want to use it by another way; targeting. By exploiting SEO, I can analyze characteristics of the visitors and fit posts and tags to them.
If I have a company and sell something to anonymous consumers, I will definitely use SEO with blogs. The first step is making blogs and accounts on Google Analytics something. The second process is analyzing characteristics of visitors like gender, age, and districts. And third, applying them to the posts and searching sites to fit products to their desires. I think information is the strongest weapon for business. By targeting consumers by using SEO, the CEO of the company can have big opportunity to catch their customers’ eyes.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Blog: My Evolving Face
Blog is our other face for cyber space. I think you must probably have felt something when you visit my blog. It’s like your first impression to me. Actually, I usually feel tired to everything, so I did not change the blog format when I put it from the first class when I made my account in even though I felt disgusted to the design! However, one day, I changed a little of it. This was because I did not like something in my blog, and I realized that if I was feeling like that, someone would fell like that, too. I changed a little bit.. Guess what?
There is a thing to keep in mind when you post and comment on blogs: Etiquette. In Korea, we usually use a word Netiquette; Net Etiquette, but I am not sure the same word is used in US, either. The reason why it is important is that the blog is your face! Nobody enjoys breaking his promise or using F words and being shameless, but on the Internet, too many people are acting like that. They seem to be totally ignoring the best important thing when they exploit blog, even though it has enough possibility to have a role of resume of them, or represent the group the people are in.
Blog is mirror of the user. It makes us look back our past posts, because everyone in the world can come to our blogs by searching at Google, etc. Oh, I also have to check my blog. What I posted until now???
Sunday, March 21, 2010
An Prerequisite for Online Collaboration
I could see this phenomenon from “Collaborate Using Online Tools - PCWorld Business Center" and “Students discovering online collaboration -". From elementary school to MBA, we can see electronic devices and usage of Web 2.0 very easily. They can help not only teachers but also students find material so conveniently that they can broaden their view to learn whole world. It’s very good thing.
Yes, it’s very nice. However, I think there should be something; education and regulation. Let’s connect to the Internet and do whatever by links on portal sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing something. Maybe, absolutely, you will go to sites for adults too easily. And also, it will be applied for the students who learn with Web 2.0. If they are not educated well, the effect to them will be very serious and sometimes dangerous.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Internet; Is It King of Tool for Online Coworking?
I am pessimist of the effect of online coworking. In Korea, I did many team projects in class and after being selected in one group, every team members exchange their online messenger ID to communicate and meet by it, and phone number. There is a principle to all students; If you don’t have to meet at midnight, don’t have group meeting by on-line messenger. That’s because whenever people have meeting by Internet messenger, some people (or all) always do another things like Facebook something. I think you guys totally agree with this theory. Right?
However, I also agree with online coworking is doing many things in group projects. It gives convenience to communicate each other (it’s very ironic!) and gather information which is searched by each person. I usually exploited Club at Cyworld (it’s very very common in university students in Korea.) and upload all of materials done by them in the bulletin board. This process provides multi communication between all team members unlike E-mail communication.
To summary, clearly, online coworking itself cannot show its maximum effect. In my opinion, that’s because we are People, not Computers. We should think, read, and do separately the condition of Internet coworking.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Expected Truth of Cyber Land

I was totally surprised that Yale bought lands in the “Second Life” for the educational purpose, and I thought about my home university in Korea. As my home university, Sunkyunkwan University, it is very historical but the land is so small. In Chosen Dynasty, Sunkyunkwan was the highest educational institution in the nation, and it is the origin of my home university. Therefore, it has more than 600 hundred years of history, but there is one problem; the size of land. It is located many historic buildings, so there is no space to build many necessary classrooms. Around the school, almost all of buildings have historic meaning. They are real palace of Chosen Dynasty and still have unchanged figure from 600 years ago. That’s why people want to broaden the place of school, but cannot do because of severe regulation from government and many people who want to protect old palaces. We cannot dig the land because of the risk of basement of the land, so some people say that “Let’s make a door to 4th dimension and make buildings.”
Considering my home university’s situation, Yale’s behavior is very creative. However, I also think about Money. Is it able to make much profit compare to the high cost? Is it educational and is there any opportunity about any problems? In my opinion, I cannot always say Yes to all of these questions. School should pay money to the builder of cyber land as a lending fee. It means that if the builders want more money for the cyber land as unreasonable price, the school cannot do anything but give them all of money, because all source of the university would be there. Who can pay for them? I think it might be students, and it could bring very high tuition fee. People can say that; it’s YOU who get academic benefit from school, so YOU should pay for it, if you want to learn more!
It is very great idea to buy land Second Life and connect it with real life. But we should be more serious. I heard that many millionaires are buying lands in the universe, like on the moon. It would be possible that the world out of real world and the Earth. But to me, it looks like a Game of Money. That's why I cannot recommend the Second Life to my home university!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Power of Business Networking

After I read these articles; How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn and It’s Not Just Who You Know , I felt that networking thru Internet is becoming more and more important in the field of business. It means that if we don’t use sites like LinkedIn, difficulty on finding opportunity to make business successfully would be more severe. This is because other competitors will use this tool to make their goal.
Then, why people use business networking even though it would not be the best way to attain their purpose? I think this is because the business networking makes people more familiar. It’s like social networking like Facebook. When people read the expected partners’ profile including photos like something before they meet each other, they feel like they know partners better than reading them by resumes or documentary files. Therefore, if I graduate the university and get a new job, I also might use sites like LinkedIn to make the business successfully!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Social Networking on MoSoSo

Yes, I think App making is an open blue ocean to developers. As smart phones are evolved more and more, the necessity of Apps is increasing. Different from traditional phone, smart phone does not provide many functions for consumers. The important thing is that there is also communication. App developers make an App and upload it on the App store, and App users buy them and write comments. Then, App makers update by referring customers’ response. People talk about the App’s useful thing and negative effect on them, so expected customers also read them and consider whether buy them or not.
I think this trend can be more evolved. As you see on this video, there are many programs and videos to help make Apps on the Internet. Also, making Apps would be difficult and require high design ability, but the important thing is that the opportunity is opened to anyone! I think this is revolutionary evolution on the field of Mobile Social networking Software. Apps are made by customers, reflecting exact desire of users. That’s why when I connect to iTunes store (I usually go there as an iPod user), I cannot avoid buying Apps because almost all of them are very attractive and seem to be useful.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Blog Marketing
and the other is World of Mouse, I thought about plentiful ads and promotions of corporate which use the Internet as channel.
I think blog promotion is unavoidable flow in web 2.0 world. It is obvious that companies should use way which is most accessible to advertise their products and service. And as you know, it is the Internet, and especially blog fits to promote company’s new products. This is because many people from all over the world can visit the products’ blog and find all about the item, provided by not only the company but also consumers.
When I was in Korea, I really wanted to get a Hunter’s rain boots, but there was no Hunter shop in Seoul. I visited to its home page to get some information, but I could not, because there was just explanation about products and company, something like that. Therefore, I searched at Google, and found Hunter’s Facebook blog. It was gorgeous! There was almost every day updated pictures, new explanation of items, and the most important thing, there were lots of comments of customers, both already bought people and want to buy them. Therefore, I could get information about my favorite rain boots at its blog more than its traditional home page. If there were no blog about Hunter boots, I could never find that kind of information, in the place without the brands’ sales shop.
In my opinion, blog marketing is very efficient way to promote item. When I visit an item’s blog, I think it is not just a product’s blog, but one of my friends’ blog! It is very smart marketing, due to making consumers being familiar with the item. Also, we don’t consider it as an advertisement, so companies can eliminate rejection symptoms about ads. Even if it was targeted to “opinion leaders,” but it can make synergy effect to create communication between opinion leaders and normal consumers, help customers decide whether buy the item or not, and also make money to company!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Information By Crowds: DC Inside

As I posted on my first blog, it is true that there is lack of specialty on web-based information. Knowledge provided from anonymous people is too huge and groundless, so sometimes unbelievable rumors threat truth on the Internet. However, let me explain my experience. In our class, ITEC 335, we post our opinion on our blog every week. As you know, I am exchange student and my first language is not English, so I cannot write academic essay well. However, blog posting in this class does not require accuracy of grammar and form, so it makes me possible to do posting confidently and freely. I think information on the Internet is same with my experience. We can write and express our creative and different opinions through free way of Internet blogging, and sometimes, it can be theme of academic research.
In Korea, there is a site named DC Inside. At first, it was for exchange information about digital cameras. People could read review and comment about new digital cameras on this site. During writing and commenting about cameras, people started talk about weird gossips, and the creator of the site made several bulletin boards, called Gallery, and it became Korea’s one of the biggest web communities. These days, there are numerous galleries such as digital equipments, game, spots, universities, districts, stocks, automobile, vessel, law, composite photograph, even presidents, politicians, insect and parasites, and the categories are still updated. The main characteristic of this site is creating and culture beyond conception by exchanging information and thinking, with specialty, by amateurs. They use their own languages, like “햏” (it means nothing, and it is not even Korean; they just type it by combining some Korean characters)
However, they make big stream even on academic world. There are many essays and papers about DC inside. Scholars say that it’s so surprised, because people who don’t have academic degrees on fields’ research on their interest, and accumulate lots of database, and exchange them with their opinions. Bulletin board themselves can become books about special themes written by amateurs. It means by using Internet, information saved in everywhere can be gathered together and shown to all over the world, not only by few of elites, but by many crows. Therefore, many people so called elites study about DC Inside’s success case, and their form of cyber community.
I presented unfamiliar site, DC Inside. I don’t’ know well about many American sites, but I think there are plenty of sites based on free opinion of ordinary but different people (if you know that kind of sites, please tell me by comments! I wanna go there.) I think people who insist future of digital world depends on elites are wrong, because every field can be a theme of study, and they are not belong to special someone, but belong to everyone living in everywhere. I believe that strong points based on diversity of source of information and efforts to overcome negative effect of amateurism of Internet are motive power of over the web 2.0 generation.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Open Innovation and Diversity
NPR: Big Firms Eye “Open Innovation” For Ideas
Social Networking Forces Changes in Customer Service
When I read these two articles first, I thought that it is ridiculous, because most of people who provide answers on the Internet is not experts, but amateurs. It is weird that companies get information from non-experts. This is because it may lead the company to failure. However, I remembered that me, myself also do Googling or search blogs when I have problems in my life.
This is my experience. I am not good at computers, so when I have a problem with my personal computer, and if the Internet is still connected, I search for the problem on the Internet, without hesitation. As you know, many portal sites provide question and answer function, so I can find the solution for my problem. Sometimes, it is much better and faster than asking for people who are very good at dealing with computers, or going to customer center.
I think this is because of diversity, and the Internet made it possible to realize. By using Internet, people from all over the world meet at one virtual place. We can use collection of knowledge experienced by different age and countries. We can use their thoughts and experiences creatively, because all of them have different political, economical, social, and cultural background.
And also, people know many other people. I think it is related to what we discussed about last Wednesday. When we have problem, we can solve it by getting help from people around us. In succession, when we see a person on a web site who have problem I went through, we can give him/she a tip to solve. It is making connection between two groups; it means that the knowledge and information known by our group can be shared to other group by me and other user who is in other group, by Internet. Therefore, without going to go to customer service center, we can solve problems by faster and easier way.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The more social networking, the more neccesity to doubt
I read some materials about social networking in business and facebook. According to the articles, informal networks are very important, not only in the field of business, but also on the Internet networking.
We are living in the world with numerous networks. They include not only about the Internet sites like Facebook or networks in the real world like the networking in the business, but also the Internet sites we surfed to fine some information, the people we meet on campus, and the world we live. There is lots of information from anonymous people, just we heard or seen in the Internet or something, and which are from somewhere we even cannot remember.
The problem is that no one can be sure to the information on conversations, on the Internet, in the world. I think this is because there are too many informal networks, and we receive information from them without filtering. In a Korean movie, “Castaway On The Moon,” there is a woman who has many blogs which pretend to belong to pretty girls, in different age, and different face. The girl is not satisfied with herself, so she makes many blogs and fine gorgeous pictures from other blogs to copy and paste to her virtual blogs. All of the stuff in her blogs is not real, from the owner to the pictures. I thought this movie while I was reading the material about facebook, because it is possible to be in the real world. A posting about “I am reading a book” doesn’t mean that s/he is really reading a book. We cannot believe from stuffs in blogs to even the person has it.
It was some drastic example, but it can be occur in the real world. In a company, too many informal networks can bring about grapevine, which means groundless rumor between employees, so that it can affect to them negative effect. This is due to the fact that information from someone can be tortured during it is delivered, or someone can spread intended rumor to other people in the company. By the characteristic of social networking, the final receiver of the information cannot know the first person who gave the information, and sometime, no one can do it. This can be fatal to performance of employees, by affecting on social relationships in the company.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hello everyone!
My name is Soyoung Kim, from South Korea. I am an exchange student, and I am junior, majoring in Business Administration. I cannot speak and write English well, because it's not my first language, so I'm trying to improve my English skill.
This blog is for my ITEC335 class at American university, and it's truly on my own.
Nice to meet all of you, and see you!